Hello World!

Welcome and thank you for visiting our blog! We are looking forward to helping hundreds of thousands of ex/current/lurking Jehovah’s Witnesses to learn how to apply critical thinking in their lives as they examine the teachings of the Watchtower, Bible & Tract Society.

2 thoughts on “Hello World!

  1. Hello. I look forward to learning more about how we can help free 7 million oppressed by the WatchTower Society.

    I know there is typically heartbreak for families separated by this publishing corporation disguised as a religion when a family member leaves the organization. There is anguish for currnet members who have become awake to the WatchTower deception and ever-changing teachings. There is a dilemma for us ex-JDubs who desire to help awaken current members knowing heartbreak of family separation will surely follow.

    In my opinion, the entire 7 million needs to exit the WatchTower Society to avoid family heartbreak. For that to happen, the WatchTower needs to fail.


    • Thanks for your comment. Our mission is to provide assistance to the masses that are leaving the organization that need support. Therefore, we are joining forces with the online community to assist in anyway that we can!


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